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Split-flap displays were once the focal point in airports and train stations around the world — the clicking sound of their revolving displays conjuring holiday memories in anyone who remembers them. Although they were — and still are — an ideal way to display constantly updated information to crowds of people, with the advent of digital technology, they’ve sadly become a thing of the past.

Fortunately, Split-Flap TV is now using digital technology to revive them. Using regular television screens, we’re bringing back the functionality and beauty of these displays in a convenient and affordable way. With Split-Flap TV, your shop, restaurant, hotel, or office can benefit from the clarity and style of these classic display boards.

Purchase a television or tablet, download an app and you are ready to go.

waitress waiting next to split flap tv with coffee shop pricelist
Split Flap TV with way finding information
Split Flap TV with real time flight information at gates

An Elegant Solution

Do you need to update your customer on the day’s specials? Have you been getting a lot of questions about your Wi-Fi password? Does your staff have trouble keeping up with all the pricing and offer changes during a busy shift? Then it’s time for an elegant solution in a simple package.

With Split-Flap TV, you no longer need to write down all of your information by hand or tape it to the door—and you certainly don’t have to try to fix it when the wind blows it away.

Order a display screen (whatever size screen suits you best) and you can use it so that it operates, looks, and sounds like a classic split-flap display board (yep, it can sound like one too). Just download the Split-Flap TV app and you’re ready to go.

We know that customers love nostalgia—that’s why they keep asking for split-flap displays at every train station. This is your chance to give them what they want in a new, unexpected place.

Endless Possibilities

The Split-Flap TV app gives you complete control of how you want your split-flap display to look.

Variable Rows and Columns

Choose the number of rows and columns on your display.

Multiple Pages

Create whatever text you want — across as many pages as you like.

Flexible Duration

Set how long each page is displayed for.

Multiple Colors

Set whatever color text you prefer (per line, if you want).

Easy Scheduling

Schedule when and where to display your messages.

Clicking Sounds

Select whether updates are silent or come with the characteristic split-flap clicking sound.

Clock and Date

Show a running split-flap clock and today’s date on your board.

News and Weather

Attract views and inform patrons with real-time news and weather information and forecasts.

Social Counters

Promote your company’s social media channels and show the number of followers or fans in real-time.

With your messages rotating on an endless loop, much like a PowerPoint slideshow, all you need to do then is sit back and let the magic happen.


Display Your Messages With a Touch of Retro Charm

With split-flap displays becoming an increasingly popular feature of trendy bars and restaurants worldwide, there’s little doubt about their enduring popularity. What can we say — they’re just cool. Unfortunately, a genuine analog split-flap board is going to cost you a fortune.

Split-Flap TV brings you all the benefits — from style to functionality — of the classic split-flap board at a fraction of the price. From bars to museums and from shops to factories, when it comes to efficient and stylish communication, Split-Flap TV is the cost-effective answer.


Display constantly updated information in a convenient and concise manner.


Give your business a touch of retro cool that makes an impact on your customers.


Format your display to suit the particular needs of your business.

Some Ideas

Split Flap TV shop opening hours

Opening Hours

Show opening hours of your shop on a board

Split Flap TV safety instructions

Safety Instructions

Improve safety by showing information and create awareness

SplitFlapTV flight information at gate

Flight Information and Status

Public announcements and status updates at airports

Split Flap TV pricelist


The products you are selling clearly on a split-flap television screen

SplitFlapTV 2 columns pricelist

Large Pricelist

Full pricelist of your take-away on a Split-Flap board

Split Flap TV meeting room display

Meeting Room Display

Show meeting room info and availability on a screen

Show real time followers of your social media pages

Social counters on your board

Show real-time social counters and number of followers of your Facebook and Instagram pages to better promote your business

First class split flap TV board with real time news

First Class News on your Boards

Connect to any newspaper and show real-time news to get more variation and attention for your shop and products

First class split flap TV with real time weather information

Go First Class with Real-Time Weather

Show  continuously updated weather information and forecasts of any location worldwide