Show Real-Time Weather

SEAT NEEDED: Trial, Cockpit

Everyone is curious about the weather and weather is a great conversation starter. Show real-time weather observations, information, and forecasts on your screens. You can show weather information of any location worldwide.

To show real-time weather information on a Split-Flap TV use these shortcodes below.



For example: #WEA#AA#Brussels,BE#C#
will show you the current temperature of Brussels in Belgium in Celsius.
The first part shows WEA. That is the instruction for weather information. AA corresponds to the current temperate. Brussels,BE refers to Brussels in Belgium and is the location. And the C parameter returns the value in Celsius. This is an argument that can be specified, based on the meaning of the {Code}.

Optionally you can add a numeric value to the Arguments to better control the alignment of numeric values like temperatures. A code like #WEA#AA#Brussels,BE#C2#° will show today’s temperature with 2 characters. In case the values is e.g. 6, then it will show  6°, so with a trialing blank before the 6. This could become useful when you show the temperatures of multiple cities worldwide and you want to right align them all.

Important note: All codes except for the location must be in uppercase!

Location parameter


Location of where you want to the weather. This can be:

  • city name
  • city name, country code
  • city name, state code, country code
  • geographical coordinates e.g. for New York this would be 40.7128,-74.0060

You can call by city name or city name, state code and country code. Please note that searching by states is available only for the USA locations.

City name, state code and country codes are divided by comma, Please, refer to ISO 3166 for the state codes or country codes.

When in doubt then check out the real name of the location directly at the weather service API that we are using.

Next to the name of the location, you can also use geographical coordinates with latitude and longitude.



New York,US

Instruction Parameter

The instruction parameter is the 2nd part or block of the weather short code. It is always a 2 character code that starts with A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

An instruction starting with an A refers to current weather information. A B at the beginning refers to weather information for today. C is for information about tomorrow. D is for the day after tomorrow and so on.

Starts with …Group
ACurrent observation of this location
BForecast of today
CForecast of tomorrow (today +1)
DForecast of day after tomorrow (today +2)
EForecast of today +3
FForecast of today +4
GForecast of today +5

Parameters for Current Observation (A group)

Here are the instructions for the A group, the current weather information.

AACurrent temperature

C for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use

ABCurrent feels like 
ACCurrent weather text* Language code, EN (default)
ADCurrent pressure 
AECurrent humidity 
AFCurrent visibility 
AGCurrent wind speed 
AHCurrent wind direction 
AICurrent cloudiness 
AJLast updated timestamp 

Parameters for Forecast of Today (B group)

The B group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of today.

BAToday’s date 
BBToday’s abbreviated day 
BCToday’s full day 
BFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BLFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BNFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BOFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
BPToday’s pressure 
BQToday’s humidity 
BRToday’s weather text* Language code, EN (default)
BSToday’s wind speed 
BTToday’s wind direction 
BUToday’s cloudiness 
BVToday’s precipitation volume 
BWToday’s probability of precipitation 

Parameters for Forecast of Today + 1 Day (C group)

The C group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of tomorrow or today + 1 day.

CAD+1 date 
CBD+1 abbreviated day 
CCD+1 full day 
CFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CLFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CNFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
COFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
CPD+1 pressure 
CQD+1 humidity 
CRD+1 weather text* Language code, EN (default)
CSD+1 wind speed 
CTD+1 wind direction 
CUD+1 cloudiness 
CVD+1 precipitation volume 
CWD+1 probability of precipitation 

Parameters for Forecast of Today + 2 Days (D group)

The D group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of today + 2 days.

DAD+2 date 
DBD+2 abbreviated day 
DCD+2 full day 
DFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DLFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DNFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DOFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
DPD+2 pressure 
DQD+2 humidity 
DRD+2 weather text* Language code, EN (default)
DSD+2 wind speed 
DTD+2 wind direction 
DUD+2 cloudiness 
DVD+2 precipitation volume 
DWD+2 probability of precipitation 

Parameters for Forecast of Today + 3 Days (E group)

The E group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of today + 3 days.

EAD+3 date 
EBD+3 abbreviated day 
ECD+3 full day 
EFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
ELFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
ENFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EOFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
EPD+3 pressure 
EQD+3 humidity 
ERD+3 weather text* Language code, EN (default)
ESD+3 wind speed 
ETD+3 wind direction 
EUD+3 cloudiness 
EVD+3 precipitation volume 
EWD+3 probability of precipitation 

Parameters for Forecast of Today + 4 Days (F group)

The F group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of today + 4 days.

FAD+4 date 
FBD+4 abbreviated day 
FCD+4 full day 
FFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FLFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FNFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FOFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
FPD+4 pressure 
FQD+4 humidity 
FRD+4 weather text* Language code, EN (default)
FSD+4 wind speed 
FTD+4 wind direction 
FUD+4 cloudiness 
FVD+4 precipitation volume 
FWD+4 probability of precipitation 

Parameters for forecast of Today + 5 Days (G group)

The G group has these instructions, all referring to the forecast of today + 5 days.

GAD+5 date 
GBD+5 abbreviated day 
GCD+5 full day 
GFTemperature dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GGTemperature minimumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GHTemperature maximumC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GITemperature nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GJTemperature eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GKTemperature morningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GLFeels like dayC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GMFeels like nightC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GNFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GOFeels like eveningC for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit, and optionally the number of characters to use
GPD+5 pressure 
GQD+5 humidity 
GRD+5 weather text* Language code, EN (default)
GSD+5 wind speed 
GTD+5 wind direction 
GUD+5 cloudiness 
GVD+5 precipitation volume 
GWD+5 probability of precipitation 

* Languages codes

Return texts in specific languages.

FAPersian (Farsi)
PT_BRPortuguês Brasil
ZH_CNChinese Simplified
ZH_TWChinese Traditional