Show Random Quotes

SEAT NEEDED: Trial, Cockpit

Show a random motivational or inspirational quote on your Split-Flap TV to entertain or motivate people by variation. We have set up an exclusive database of almost 50,000 quotes for you to show on your display.

To show a random quote on a Split-Flap TV use this shortcode below.





For example: #QUO#360#
will show you a completely random quote from our database that will refresh in 360 minutes, being 6 hours. The Minutes parameter sets how many minutes you want to keep this quote before a new random quote is chosen. The quote will be taken from any category.

If you want to control the categories we include when we select a random quote, then you can list the categories that you want to be included. The list of possible categories is listed below. Note that some categories have many quotes, while others only have a few.

On the other hand, if you want to exclude categories from the complete list of categories, then start the first category with a – (minus) sign. Like: #QUO#360#-death,government#

The number of minutes is always calculated with midnight UTC time as a base. So when you use a Minutes value of 360, then your quote will be refreshed at 06:00 UTC, 12:00 UTC, 18:00 UTC, and 00:00 UTC. With a value of 720, it will refresh at 12:00 UTC and 00:00 UTC.

Also, note that our platform will make sure that we return a quote that fits your board’s dimensions.

Category parameter

Choose the quote categories that best suit your target audience. For example, a healing spa facility might include categories like meditation, nature, sage, spirituality, and women while a restaurant might choose the category of food.

Possible categories to choose from are:

ability, absence, acting, action, adversity, advice, age, alone, amazing, ambition, american, anger, animals, anniversary, architecture, art, attitude, avarice, beauty, best, birthday, boldness, bore, business, car, cats, change, character, communication, computers, cool, courage, cunning, dad, dating, death, decision, design, destiny, diet, doubt, dreams, education, environmental, equality, evil, experience, failure, faith, fame, family, famous, fear, finance, fitness, food, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, funny, future, gardening, god, good, government, graduation, great, happiness, health, history, home, honesty, hope, humility, humor, identity, imagination, individuality, inspiration, inspirational, intelligence, jealousy, journey, justice, kindness, knowledge, law, leadership, learning, legal, liberty, life, love, marriage, medical, men, mom, money, morning, movies, nature, others, progress, religion, risk, science, success, thoughts, time, travel, truth, understanding, virtue, war, wealth, wisdom, women, words