Show your Name on the Big Screen

SEAT NEEDED: Trial, Cockpit

Namefies or name-fies is an invention of Split-Flap TV to give you, as a company, more social media attention and reach.

We all know what a selfie is. You take a picture of yourself and use it on social media. A namefie is the quick and unique opportunity to get a selfie together with your first name for a few seconds on the Split-Flap TV screen in your favorite shop or establishment.

To get your name on the screen, you first have to scan the QR code hanging next to your Split-Flap TV. This will take you to a small webpage where you enter your name. The television or tablet shows a series of normal messages that you have scheduled. But in there, you have added a special name-fie code. When a namefie is triggered, your normal messages are interrupted for a few seconds, and this custom namefie message with your brand info is shown on the screen. The customer will then take a selfie of him or herself, and the screen behind, with your slogan and hashtag. After those set seconds, the normal messages return to the screen.

Then they will post this evidence of visiting your shop and brand on social media.

namefie website



For example: #NMF#MYBRAND#80#
will show your brand slogan and hashtags, together with their first name.

The first part shows NMF as the instruction to display a name-fie for a number of seconds. ID is the identifier that you get from us for this special marketing subscription. The MaxLength is to set a maximum length on the name to avoid garbage on your display.

Here is a good example of a name-fie message:

Thanks for visiting
our Split-Flap TV Shop in NY
@splitflaptv #namefie

This will show the name they entered on the webpage, together with your brand name, for 10 seconds only.

Split-Flap TV also helps your with your marketing campaigns and it will give you more visibility. Contact us for a custom Namefie subscription for your shops.