How to transform your business with Split-Flap TV Price Lists

Split-flap display boards were classics. They were widely used in airports and train stations around the world to display flight and train information. But they were also used to show menu price lists in bars, restaurants, and hotels too.

Nowadays, most airports and train stations have replaced their split-flap displays with huge LED screens. And for many people who lived in the era of rotating flaps and a familiar clacking symphony, it signals the end of an era. However, the magic isn’t gone. Not by a long shot, no. Instead, the split-flap board has been transformed into a perfect blend of nostalgia and modernity. It has evolved, and we’re proud to say we made it so.

Our Split-Flap TV displays give you all the features you loved from the original Split-flap boards with none of the stress or costs. The Split-Flap TV not only lets you display ever-changing information like weather, countdowns, and news in real-time, but it also allows you to show static text, too — like drink and meal prices.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use our Split-flap TV to display your price lists and transform your decor.

Stay with us.

Why You Need Split-Flap TV For Your Price Lists

Making your prices known is important for any business. Customers shouldn’t have to ask you the price of every little thing you sell. They don’t want to either. It’s a pain in the you-know-where.

It’s awkward too. Especially if your customer hasn’t decided on what they want yet; they feel pressured to buy something from you. And that’s not good, because they’d probably not come around again. We don’t want that, do we? So, to make the interaction easier and enjoyable for everyone, you need to clearly state what your products are worth.

Fortunately, there are so many impressive ways to display your product price list, no matter what decor you have in your bar, restaurant, coffee shop, or hotel. But there’s only one way that fits any style or brand. And it’s called the Split-Flap TV. 

The Split-Flap TV blends seamlessly into any ambiance you’re going for — be it contemporary, luxurious, industrial, or vintage. The charming flaps automatically transport you to a time reminiscent of decadence and exotic travels. The built-in flipping sounds always attract a wave of nostalgia that relaxes customers and helps them enjoy what your establishment has to offer.

And the best part is you have all the goods of an original split-flap board without the accompanying cost of maintaining moving parts. It’s a win all round!

Other benefits of Split-Flap TV price lists include:

  • It’s eye-catching. Want your shop, bar, or restaurant to be the next Instagram hotspot? Then try the Split-Flap.
  • It’s easier to switch prices and tweak menus. There’s no need to print papers or chalk in a new price; just use the Split-Flap TV software to change your price list.
  • You can change prices remotely.
  • It is easy to read and there are no distracting colors.
  • It’s also easy to handle. Anyone you authorize can change the price list whenever you want.

So, be it new drinks, coffee lists, specials, and menus, Split-Flap TV can display it right away.

Impress Customers With Split-Flap TV

A price list is an important business strategy, and the way you handle it may make or mar your operations. Therefore, your price sign and menu boards should be readable and understandable. It should also contribute positively to your establishment’s image.

We understand the vital nature of a great price sign, and that’s why we created Split-Flap TV — user-friendly, low maintenance, and absolutely gorgeous. Take your display from vanilla to WOW with Split-Flap TV today. Contact us here.

Impress Customers With Split-Flap TV

A price list is an important business strategy, and the way you handle it may make or Mar your operations. Therefore, your price sign and menu boards should be readable and understandable. It should also contribute positively to your establishment’s image.

We understand the vital nature of a great price sign, and that’s why we created Split-Flap TV — user-friendly, low maintenance, and absolutely gorgeous. Take your display from vanilla to WOW with Split-Flap TV today. Contact us here.